
Script Porto 9.9.0 Nulled

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- Added - Demo - Personal Portfolio 1
- Added - Elements - Animations - Spotlight Cursor Text
- Added - Elements - Sections - Scroll Circle Expand BG Color
- Added - Elements - Buttons - Link Buttons Effects
- Added - Elements - Animations - Infinite Rotate
- Added - Elements - Animations - Scroll Rotate
- Added - Elements - Animations - Hand Draw Animation
- Added - Elements - Animation - GSAP Text Animations
- Updated - All Plugins to Latest Version
- Updated - Demo Business Consulting 5 - Update Header with SVG
- Added - Demo - SEO 3
- Added - Elements - Animations - Animated Letters
- Added - Elements - Animations - Animated Words
- Added - Elements - Pricing Tables - CSS Fixes
- Added - Elements - Pricing Table - Content Switcher
- Added - Elements - Carousel - Horizontal Scroller Section
- Added - Elements - Particles - Repeating Lines
- Added - Elements - Image Frames - Hover Floating Image
- Added - Elements - Parallax - Horizontal Text
- Added - Features - Grid System - Vertical Lines
- Added - Elements - Icons - Bootstrap Icons
- Added - Features - Page Header - Extra - Product
- Added - Features - Page Header - Extra - Mouse Hover Split
- Added - Search on Demos List
- Added - Plugins JS Bundle - A bundle JS file with basic plugins (jQuery/Bootstrap/etc...) - vendor/plugins/plugins.min.js
- Updated - Demo Business Consulting 5 - Update Header with SVG
- Added - Demo - Business Consulting 5
- Added - Elements - Section - Change Background Color When In Viewport
- Added - Elements - Animations - Marquee
- Added - Elements - Image Frames - Hover Full Zoom
- Added - Elements - Parallax - Zoom
- Added - Features - Extra - Reading Progress
- Added - Elements - Typography - Highlight Gradient
- Updated - Elements - Secondary Nav